

At Speech Meta, we are a team of Speech-Language Pathologists who are passionate about creating a positive and friendly atmosphere that cultivates learning, creativity and critical thinking while fostering the natural trajectory of communication development. We utilize a wide range of fun, innovative, and evidence-based therapy techniques to connect with your child’s unique learning style to improve their communication skills. 

We welcome children and families from all cultural, linguistic and social backgrounds. We also have multilingual therapists who can offer professional speech-language pathology services in Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish and Tagalog.

We provide a wide array of services, including:

Consultation - Assessment - Individual Therapy - Group Therapy

Parent & Professional Training - Report Writing - Funding Application

Early intervention is key.

The earlier a child receives high-quality and professional services to address any gaps in their communication skills, the more opportunities there are to influence positive learning outcomes.

Parents as therapy partners.

We value a family-centered approach by partnering with caregivers in the diagnostic and therapeutic processes. We also work closely with other professionals on the child’s team. Together, we can help your child reach their fullest potential in therapy, at school and beyond.

Why meta?

Metalinguistic and metacognitive skills are essential in the development of communication in children.The word meta encompasses the idea of self-reference, of referring or reflecting back on oneself. In speech and language therapy, we use language to learn about language, we use speech to learn about speech! The prefix meta- also indicates the idea of moving “beyond”. The word meta in our name reflects our vision of empowering our children and families to think beyond language. We believe that successful communicators are those who can reflect on and consciously ponder about how communication works.

To make speech matter, we make it meta.
— Speech Meta Team